Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Mis Awst 2015 / August 2015

Mis Awst 2015 /August 2015

Wel dyna ni.  Blwyddyn wedi mynd heibio ers i mi ddechra ysgrifennu'r blog yma.
Mae wedi bod yn brofiad diddorol cofnodi bywyd yn yr ardd dros y flwyddyn.
Rhai lluniau yn dangos prydferthwch natur a sut mae posib ei ffrwyno (dros dro) i wneud sioe.
Eraill yn dangos effaith amser ar goed a planhigion.
Nid yw'r ardd yn aros yn llonnydd ac ni fyddaf innau.
Ond digon yw digon a dyna ddiwedd ar y cofnodi.  Diolch am ddangos diddordeb.

This is the end of my blog.  I have recorded events within the garden over the year.  This has been an interesting exercise.  But enough is enough.  Thanks for taking the time to support me.

Amser torri blodau i arbed hadu i bob man.
Alchemilla mollis has beautiful leaves and lime green flowers. But remove flowers as it seeds everywhere

Chillies Jon heb wneud llawer gan ei bod wedi bod mor oer!
Jon's chillies have only just flowered a bit late in the season.  Too cold!

Grapes forming on the vine.  Now need some warm sunshine to ripen.

Amser gwneud torriadau yn barod ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesa.
Cuttings time!

Daffodil bulbs drying out in the greenhouse.  These were flowering profusely in pots earlier this year.
In September they will be planted out in the garden

Geranium adding colour and form to the border

Phlox paniculata 'Alba'

Hydrangea paniculata 'kyushu'

Rosa glauca gyda dail llwyd ac egroes coch

Auricula theatre taken over by geraniums!!!!

Blasus iawn
Freshly picked chanterelle mushrooms fried in goose fat left over from last Christmas.
Sooo good!!!!

Y gwrych bocs gyda'r falltod.
Box blight to be seen on top of the hedge.  Will have to use a fungicide to control its spread

Amser brecwast i'r chwid.
Breakfast time!

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Mis Gorffennaf 2015 / July 2015


 Mis Gorffennaf 2015 / July 2015

Mae digon yn mynd ymlaen yn yr ardd y mis yma.  Digon o liw, siap , maint a ffurf gwahanol i'r blodau. Amser i fwynhau ffrwyth eich llafur.

Plenty going on this month.  Borders are full of flowers in different shape, form and colour.
Take time to enjoy the fruits of your labour.
Mae swal math o Penstemon ar gael ac yn werthfawr gan ychwanegu uchder a lliw.
Penstemon full of flower providing colour and a focal point within the border
Lliw anhygoel y Lilium pardalinum yn serenu uwchben planhigion eraill.
Lilium pardalinum a Turk's Cap type lilly so called due to its reflexed petals.
Monkshood planhigyn gwenwynig. Rhaid bod yn ofalus wrth ei gyffwrdd.
A striking blue/purple flower but this Monkshood is poisonous. Take care!
Math o candelabra primula gyda lliw ac arogl bendigedig.
Primula poissonii very fragrant and enjoys damp soil

Ysbryd Miss Willmott (Eryngium giganteum) yn hadu i bob man.
Miss Willmott would broadcast seed wherever she went as a reminder of her visit.

One of the old roses (possibly Sander's White) we inherited with the garden seen here growing into and up a nearby holly tree!
Defnyddio pergola neu planhigion eraill i greu uchder mewn borderi.
A rose making use of vertical space!
Tyfu liliau mewn potiau er mwyn galluogi eu symud i safle lle mae bwlch rhwng planhigion.
Lilium Regale growing in pots behind a small brick wall.
Lillies like to have their head in the sun and roots in the shade
Dail mawr llwyd/las yr Hosta yn cyferbynnu'n dda gyda'r wal frics a'r llechen.
Newly planted hostas.  Not too much evidence of slug action!
Dringwr bach di-nod yn defnyddio 'sgerbwd y rhododendron i'w gynnal wrth ddringo.
Tropaeolum speciosum climbing through rhododendrons which have finished flowering earlier in the year.
This gives a second show of flowers within the same space.
Ystlum clustiau hir ar goeden yn ymyl y fynwent.
Can you spot the long eared bat?
Dyma fo!  Here he is!

Ein chwid! Inquisitive call ducks

Beth yw hwn?  Atebion os gwelwch yn dda!
Any idea what this is?

Neidr ddefaid yn y domen gompost.
Slowworm sleeping and living in the compost heap

Cingroen (Phallaceae) yn denu pryfid chwythu.
Stinkhorn so called because of its foetid smell attracting flies and speeding up the process of decay.

Sunday, 28 June 2015

Mis Mehefin / June 2015

2014-09-23 15.06.07.jpg2014-09-23 15.06.07.jpg

Mis Mehefin / June 2015

Mae'r diwrnod hira'n agosau ac mae angen gofalu am yr ardd er mwyn ei chadw'n edrych yn dda am cyn hired a sy'n bosib.
The longest day this month, and much needs to be done in order to maintain the garden at its best for as long as possible.
Cribell felen yn y gwair (Yellow Rattle) 
Gadewch bylbiau mewn gwair hir am o leiaf 5 wythnos cyn torri'r gwair.
Mae ychwanegu y Gribell felen (parasitig) yn gwanhau gwair, ac yn gadael i flodau gwyllt eraill ymgartrefu a sefydlu yn y ddol.
Where there are bulbs leave the grass for as long as 5 weeks after they have finished flowering to replenish their resources.  Yellow rattle has been added to this area to weaken the grass and allow other native species to colonise.

Y ddol yn caeau Llwyniarth.  A wild flower meadow as it should be.
Y gwenyn yn heidio ac yn cynyddu nifer y cychod sydd gennym.
Swarming bees increases our bee hives numbers.
'Chelsea chop' i'r Fiola fach mewn potiau i gadw hi'n blodeuo drwy'r tymor
This viola has been given the 'Chelsea Chop' in order to maintain flowering for as long as possible.

Lliw a ffurf natur ar ei ora.
Nature at its best!
Codennau hadau Erythronium yn barod i'w casglu au hadu mewn potyn ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesa.
Ripe seed pods of Erythronium ready to be collected and sown for next year.

Liliau Martagon yn rhoi uchder i'r borderi.
Martagon Lily providing height within the border.  This does not need staking, unlike many other herbaceous plants.

Gwaith celf Jennifer Lea yn rhoi canolbwynt i'r ardd
This ceramic bird feeder provides a focal point to the border.

Llwyni bocs yn ffurfioli yr ardd.
Pelargoniums of all sorts providing a long flowering season within the box hedges.

Mae'n bwysig gorchuddio'r pridd o amgylch planhigion mefys er mwyn diogelu'r ffrwyth rhag cael eu difetha.
Tuck strawberries in with a quilt of straw before they ripen to save the fruit from being splashed by dirt
Mae angen tocio llwyni megis Camelia yn brydlon wedi iddynt flodeuo, er mwyn peidio colli blodau ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesa.
Prune back shrubs like Camelia immediately after flowering, to maintain shape and so as not to loose flowers next year.

Tyfwch perlysiau yn agos at y drws cefn er mwyn gweud llawn defnydd ohonynt ar gyfer coginio.
Keep herbs next to the back door for immediate use.
Cofiwch wneud amser i eistedd a mwynhau ffrwyth eich llafur.... neu....
Remember to make time to sit and enjoy the fruits of your labour ... or...

neu...cerwch allan o'r ardd yn gyfan gwbl i fwynhau!
or...leave the garden and go and enjoy!