Mis Gorffennaf 2015 / July 2015
Mae digon yn mynd ymlaen yn yr ardd y mis yma. Digon o liw, siap , maint a ffurf gwahanol i'r blodau. Amser i fwynhau ffrwyth eich llafur.
Plenty going on this month. Borders are full of flowers in different shape, form and colour.
Take time to enjoy the fruits of your labour.
Mae swal math o Penstemon ar gael ac yn werthfawr gan ychwanegu uchder a lliw. Penstemon full of flower providing colour and a focal point within the border |
Lliw anhygoel y Lilium pardalinum yn serenu uwchben planhigion eraill. Lilium pardalinum a Turk's Cap type lilly so called due to its reflexed petals. |
Monkshood planhigyn gwenwynig. Rhaid bod yn ofalus wrth ei gyffwrdd. A striking blue/purple flower but this Monkshood is poisonous. Take care! |
Math o candelabra primula gyda lliw ac arogl bendigedig. Primula poissonii very fragrant and enjoys damp soil |
Ysbryd Miss Willmott (Eryngium giganteum) yn hadu i bob man. Miss Willmott would broadcast seed wherever she went as a reminder of her visit. |
One of the old roses (possibly Sander's White) we inherited with the garden seen here growing into and up a nearby holly tree! |
Defnyddio pergola neu planhigion eraill i greu uchder mewn borderi. A rose making use of vertical space! |
Dail mawr llwyd/las yr Hosta yn cyferbynnu'n dda gyda'r wal frics a'r llechen. Newly planted hostas. Not too much evidence of slug action! |
Ystlum clustiau hir ar goeden yn ymyl y fynwent. Can you spot the long eared bat? Dyma fo! Here he is! |
Ein chwid! Inquisitive call ducks |
Beth yw hwn? Atebion os gwelwch yn dda! Any idea what this is? Neidr ddefaid yn y domen gompost. Slowworm sleeping and living in the compost heap |
Cingroen (Phallaceae) yn denu pryfid chwythu. Stinkhorn so called because of its foetid smell attracting flies and speeding up the process of decay. |