Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Mis Awst 2015 / August 2015

Mis Awst 2015 /August 2015

Wel dyna ni.  Blwyddyn wedi mynd heibio ers i mi ddechra ysgrifennu'r blog yma.
Mae wedi bod yn brofiad diddorol cofnodi bywyd yn yr ardd dros y flwyddyn.
Rhai lluniau yn dangos prydferthwch natur a sut mae posib ei ffrwyno (dros dro) i wneud sioe.
Eraill yn dangos effaith amser ar goed a planhigion.
Nid yw'r ardd yn aros yn llonnydd ac ni fyddaf innau.
Ond digon yw digon a dyna ddiwedd ar y cofnodi.  Diolch am ddangos diddordeb.

This is the end of my blog.  I have recorded events within the garden over the year.  This has been an interesting exercise.  But enough is enough.  Thanks for taking the time to support me.

Amser torri blodau i arbed hadu i bob man.
Alchemilla mollis has beautiful leaves and lime green flowers. But remove flowers as it seeds everywhere

Chillies Jon heb wneud llawer gan ei bod wedi bod mor oer!
Jon's chillies have only just flowered a bit late in the season.  Too cold!

Grapes forming on the vine.  Now need some warm sunshine to ripen.

Amser gwneud torriadau yn barod ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesa.
Cuttings time!

Daffodil bulbs drying out in the greenhouse.  These were flowering profusely in pots earlier this year.
In September they will be planted out in the garden

Geranium adding colour and form to the border

Phlox paniculata 'Alba'

Hydrangea paniculata 'kyushu'

Rosa glauca gyda dail llwyd ac egroes coch

Auricula theatre taken over by geraniums!!!!

Blasus iawn
Freshly picked chanterelle mushrooms fried in goose fat left over from last Christmas.
Sooo good!!!!

Y gwrych bocs gyda'r falltod.
Box blight to be seen on top of the hedge.  Will have to use a fungicide to control its spread

Amser brecwast i'r chwid.
Breakfast time!